在循环(或理解)中创建函数(或 lambda)

2024-11-18 08:40:00
摘要:问题描述:我正在尝试在循环内创建函数:functions = [] for i in range(3): def f(): return i functions.append(f) 或者,使用 lambda:functions = [] for i in range(3):...



functions = []

for i in range(3):
    def f():
        return i

或者,使用 lambda:

functions = []

for i in range(3):
    functions.append(lambda: i)

问题是所有函数最终都一样。这三个函数不返回 0、1 和 2,而是返回 2:

print([f() for f in functions])
  • 预期输出:[0, 1, 2]

  • 实际产量: [2, 2, 2]

为什么会发生这种情况,我该怎么做才能获得分别输出 0、1 和 2 的 3 个不同函数?

解决方案 1:


通过强制早期绑定可以轻松修复:更改def f():def f(i=i):如下内容:

def f(i=i):
    return i



def make_f(i):
    def f():
        return i
    return f

并在循环中使用f = make_f(i)而不是def语句。

解决方案 2:


这里的问题是,创建i函数时不会保存的值。而是在调用时查找 的值。f`f`i


global_var = 'foo'

def my_function():

global_var = 'bar'

当您阅读此代码时,您当然会期望它打印“bar”,而不是“foo”,因为global_var在声明函数后, 的值已更改。同样的事情也发生在您自己的代码中:当您调用 时f, 的值i已更改并被设置为2



  • i通过使用默认参数来强制早期绑定


for i in range(3):
    def f(i=i):  # <- right here is the important bit
        return i



>>> i = 0
>>> def f(i=i):
...     pass
>>> f.__defaults__  # this is where the current value of i is stored
>>> # assigning a new value to i has no effect on the function's default arguments
>>> i = 5
>>> f.__defaults__
  • 使用函数工厂捕获i闭包中的当前值


def f_factory(i):
    def f():
        return i  # i is now a *local* variable of f_factory and can't ever change
    return f

for i in range(3):           
    f = f_factory(i)
  • 用于functools.partial将当前值绑定if


import functools

def f(i):
    return i

for i in range(3):    
    f_with_i = functools.partial(f, i)  # important: use a different variable than "f"


>>> i = []  # instead of an int, i is now a *mutable* object
>>> def f(i=i):
...     print('i =', i)
>>> i.append(5)  # instead of *assigning* a new value to i, we're *mutating* it
>>> f()
i = [5]

注意,i尽管我们将其转换为默认参数,但它仍然发生了变化!如果您的代码发生了变异 i,那么您必须将的副本i绑定到您的函数,如下所示:

  • def f(i=i.copy()):

  • f = f_factory(i.copy())

  • f_with_i = functools.partial(f, i.copy())

解决方案 3:


解决方法很简单,就是用lambda: i替换lambda i=i: i

functions = []
for i in range(3): 
    functions.append(lambda i=i: i)
print([f() for f in functions])
# [0, 1, 2]

用例示例:如何让 lambda 函数立即评估变量(而不是推迟)

解决方案 4:



g = 'hello'

def foo():
    return lambda x : (g,x)

f = foo()

print(f('world')); g = 'goodbye'; print(f('earth'))


('hello', 'world')
('goodbye', 'earth')


functions = []

print(f"Before loop: local i = {locals().get('i')}, global i = {globals().get('i')}")

for i in range(3):
    print(f"Inside loop: local i = {locals().get('i')}, global i = {globals().get('i')}")
    def f():
        print(f"Inside f(): local i = {locals().get('i')}, global i = {globals().get('i')}")
        return i

print(f"After loop: local i = {locals().get('i')}, global i = {globals().get('i')}")

print([f() for f in functions])


Before loop: local i = None, global i = None
Inside loop: local i = 0, global i = 0
Inside loop: local i = 1, global i = 1
Inside loop: local i = 2, global i = 2
After loop: local i = 2, global i = 2
Inside f(): local i = None, global i = 2
Inside f(): local i = None, global i = 2
Inside f(): local i = None, global i = 2
[2, 2, 2]

归根结底,这是因为i问题中的循环不是局部的,而是程序的全局的(并且具有可变状态和闭包的语言有尴尬的角落)。此外,设计后 ALGOL60 ALGOL 风格的语言(其中变量不需要正确声明)的“有问题的”决定并没有帮助,即它使阅读 Python 程序变得非常困难(更不用说大型 Python 程序在经济上是危险的)。显然,PEP-3104在 2006 年提出了一个必要的改进想法,但它没有被采纳。


由于我不确定 Java 会怎么做,所以这里出现了与 Java 中相同的问题。请注意,编译器需要付出额外的努力来检测闭包看到的变量是否是可变的(非最终的)并且在外部上下文中可见,还是只是本地的或最终的。整个现象并非偶然。

package org.example;

import java.util.*;

public class Main {

    private static String mutableOuterContextString;

    private static void print(String str) {
        System.out.println("  '" + str + "'");

    private static void printStringWithIdentity(String str) {
        System.out.println("  " + stringWithIdentity(str));

    private static String stringWithIdentity(String str) {
        return "'" + str + "' at " + Objects.toIdentityString(str);

    private final static List<String> numberStrings = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList("one", "two", "three"));

    // Here, closures will use the 'reference to String' as given
    // by 'str' at 'closure build time'. Each has been given a specific 'str'.
    // At 'closure call time', the closures created will properly print
    // "one", "two", "three".
    // This corresponds to "function returning function" approach in Python.

    public static List<Runnable> one_two_three_as_expected_1() {
        final List<Runnable> funcs = new ArrayList<>();
        numberStrings.forEach(str -> funcs.add(
                () -> print(str)
        return funcs;

    // This is the same code as above, just more explicit.

    public static List<Runnable> one_two_three_as_expected_2() {
        final List<Runnable> funcs = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final String str : numberStrings) {
                    () -> print(str)
        return funcs;

    // This is the same code as above, just even more explicit.
    // The closure is in fact "just a class" created by the compiler.

    private static class RunnableX implements Runnable {

        private final String str;

        public RunnableX(final String str) {
            this.str = str;

        public void run() {

    public static List<Runnable> one_two_three_as_expected_3() {
        final List<Runnable> funcs = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final String str : numberStrings) {
            funcs.add(new RunnableX(str));
        return funcs;

    // As in Python, an interaction between "mutable state in an
    // outside context" and closures leads to surprises.
    // Syntactically, there is not much difference between the
    // closure closing over a local/final variable (str) or a
    // mutable variable from the outside context (mutableOuterContextString)
    // but the compiler must create some different code indeed.

    public static List<Runnable> threethreethree_by_accessing_outside_context_1() {
        final List<Runnable> funcs = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final String str : numberStrings) {
            mutableOuterContextString = str;
                    () -> printStringWithIdentity(mutableOuterContextString)
        return funcs;

    // This should be the same code as above, just more explicit.
    // The closure is in fact "just a class" created by the compiler.

    private static class RunnableY implements Runnable {

        public void run() {

    public static List<Runnable> threethreethree_by_accessing_outside_context_2() {
        final List<Runnable> funcs = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final String str : numberStrings) {
            mutableOuterContextString = str;
            funcs.add(new RunnableY());
        return funcs;

    // If the try to reproduce the "three three three" effect with a
    // variable in the local context, we get something that will not compile:
    // "Variable used in lambda expression should be final or effectively final"
    // at "System.out.println(curString2)"

    public static List<Runnable> three_three_three_this_will_not_compile() {
        final List<Runnable> funcs = new ArrayList<>();
        String curString2;
        for (final String str : numberStrings) {
            curString2 = str;
            funcs.add(() -> print(curString2)); // <--- won't compile
        return funcs;

    // Fixing it Python-style
    // Note that we do not even need to declare a local variable inside the build_..() method.
    // Directly using the variable "outerStr" that has been passed-in is good enough.
    // It is not important whether it has been declared "final" or not in the method declaration.

    public static Runnable build_closure_with_its_own_local_variable(final String outerStr) {
        System.out.println("  Creating closure with a local reference for " + stringWithIdentity(outerStr));
        return () -> printStringWithIdentity(outerStr);

    public static List<Runnable> three_three_three_fixed() {
        final List<Runnable> funcs = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final String str : numberStrings) {
            mutableOuterContextString = str;
        return funcs;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Print 'one', 'two', 'three' as expected, take 1");
        one_two_three_as_expected_1().forEach(r -> r.run());
        System.out.println("Print 'one', 'two', 'three' as expected, take 2");
        one_two_three_as_expected_2().forEach(r -> r.run());
        System.out.println("Print 'one', 'two', 'three' as expected, take 3");
        one_two_three_as_expected_3().forEach(r -> r.run());
        System.out.println("Print 'three', 'three', 'three', unexpectedly, take 1");
        threethreethree_by_accessing_outside_context_1().forEach(r -> r.run());
        System.out.println("Print 'three', 'three', 'three', unexpectedly, take 2");
        threethreethree_by_accessing_outside_context_2().forEach(r -> r.run());
        System.out.println("Print 'one', 'two', 'three' again by creating a local variable");
        three_three_three_fixed().forEach(r -> r.run());


Print 'one', 'two', 'three' as expected, take 1
Print 'one', 'two', 'three' as expected, take 2
Print 'one', 'two', 'three' as expected, take 3
Print 'three', 'three', 'three', unexpectedly, take 1
  'three' at java.lang.String@77459877
  'three' at java.lang.String@77459877
  'three' at java.lang.String@77459877
Print 'three', 'three', 'three', unexpectedly, take 2
  'three' at java.lang.String@77459877
  'three' at java.lang.String@77459877
  'three' at java.lang.String@77459877
Print 'one', 'two', 'three' again by creating a local variable
  Creating closure with a local reference for 'one' at java.lang.String@87aac27
  Creating closure with a local reference for 'two' at java.lang.String@6ce253f1
  Creating closure with a local reference for 'three' at java.lang.String@77459877
  'one' at java.lang.String@87aac27
  'two' at java.lang.String@6ce253f1
  'three' at java.lang.String@77459877

解决方案 5:

问题在于i被绑定到循环变量,该变量在每次迭代时都会发生变化。这个问题有多种解决方案,可读性各不相同。在下面的 4 个代码片段中,底部的 3 个都是正确的,但我认为只有底部的那个最易读:

# Original: wrong
f_list = [
    (lambda x: x + i) for i in range(10)
print([f(3) for f in f_list])

# Correct, but not so intuitive
f_list = [
    (lambda x, i=i: x + i) for i in range(10)
print([f(3) for f in f_list])

# More intuitive, but not so readable
f_list = [
    (lambda i: (lambda x: x + i))(i) for i in range(10)
print([f(3) for f in f_list])

# More readable
get_f = lambda i: (lambda x: x + i)
f_list = [
    get_f(i) for i in range(10)
print([f(3) for f in f_list])

解决方案 6:


for t in range(10):
    def up(y):
l[5]('printing in 5th function')

解决方案 7:


class StaticValue:
    val = None

    def __init__(self, value: int):
        StaticValue.val = value

    def get_lambda():
        return lambda x: x*StaticValue.val

class NotStaticValue:
    def __init__(self, value: int):
        self.val = value

    def get_lambda(self):
        return lambda x: x*self.val

if __name__ == '__main__':
    def foo():
        return [lambda x: x*i for i in range(4)]

    def bar():
        return [StaticValue(i).get_lambda() for i in range(4)]

    def foo_repaired():
        return [NotStaticValue(i).get_lambda() for i in range(4)]

    print([x(2) for x in foo()])
    print([x(2) for x in bar()])
    print([x(2) for x in foo_repaired()])

[6, 6, 6, 6]
[6, 6, 6, 6]
[0, 2, 4, 6]

解决方案 8:

除了@Aran-Fey 的优秀答案之外,在第二个解决方案中,您可能还希望修改函数内的变量,这可以通过关键字来完成nonlocal

def f_factory(i):
    def f(offset):
      nonlocal i
      i += offset
      return i
    return f

for i in range(3):           
    f = f_factory(i)

解决方案 9:



编辑:这是因为f是一个函数 - python 将函数视为一等公民,您可以将它们传递到变量中以供稍后调用。因此,您的原始代码正在做的是将函数本身附加到列表中,而您想要做的是将函数的结果附加到列表中,这就是上面通过调用函数实现的。

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