当 Chrome 浏览器通过 Python selenium 自动更新时,如何使用特定版本的 ChromeDriver
- 2025-01-21 09:01:00
- admin 原创
- 116
我是 Selenium 的新手,现在我可以使用 selenium 和 Chromedriver 进行基本的自动测试,代码运行良好,但问题是 Chrome 浏览器总是在后端自动更新,而 Chrome 更新后代码总是无法运行。我知道我需要下载新的 chromedriver 来解决这个问题,但我想知道是否有任何方法可以在不禁用 chromebrowser 更新的情况下解决这个问题?谢谢。
我正在使用 Windows 10 / Chrome 版本 67 / Python 3.6.4 / Selenium 3.12.0
解决方案 1:
不,除了更新ChromeDriver二进制版本之外没有其他选择,而Chrome 浏览器会继续自动更新。
每个Chrome 浏览器都会在现有功能中添加、修改和删除某些功能后发布。为了符合当前的浏览器功能集,Chrome 团队会不时发布兼容的ChromeDriver二进制文件。这些ChromeDriver二进制文件能够与Chrome 浏览器交互。某些版本的ChromeDriver二进制文件支持特定范围的Chrome 浏览器版本(一些最新版本),如下所示:
ChromeDriver v 84.0.4147.30 (2020-05-28)
Supports Chrome version 84
ChromeDriver v 83.0.4103.39 (2020-05-05)
Supports Chrome version 83
ChromeDriver v 82被刻意跳过。
ChromeDriver v 81.0.4044.138 (2020-05-05)
Supports Chrome version 81
ChromeDriver v 80.0.3987.106 (2020-02-13)
Supports Chrome version 80
ChromeDriver v 79.0.3945.36 (2019-11-18)
Supports Chrome version 79
ChromeDriver v 78.0.3904.70 (2019-10-21)
Supports Chrome version 78
ChromeDriver v 77.0.3865.40 (2019-08-20)
Supports Chrome version 77
ChromeDriver v 76.0.3809.126 (2019-08-20)
Supports Chrome version 76
ChromeDriver v 75.0.3770.8(2019-04-29)
Supports Chrome version 75
ChromeDriver v 74.0.3729.6 (2019-03-14)
Supports Chrome version 74
ChromeDriver v 73.0.3683.68 (2019-03-06)
Supports Chrome version 73
ChromeDriver v 2.46(2019-02-01)
Supports Chrome v71-73
ChromeDriver v 2.45(2018-12-10)
Supports Chrome v70-72
ChromeDriver v 2.44(2018-11-19)
Supports Chrome v69-71
ChromeDriver v 2.43(2018-10-16)
Supports Chrome v69-71
ChromeDriver v 2.42(2018-09-13)
Supports Chrome v68-70
ChromeDriver v 2.41(2018-07-27)
Supports Chrome v67-69
ChromeDriver v 2.40(2018-06-07)
Supports Chrome v66-68
ChromeDriver v 2.39(2018-05-30)
Supports Chrome v66-68
ChromeDriver v 2.38(2018-04-17)
Supports Chrome v65-67
ChromeDriver v 2.37(2018-03-16)
Supports Chrome v64-66
ChromeDriver v 2.36(2018-03-02)
Supports Chrome v63-65
ChromeDriver v 2.35(2018-01-10)
Supports Chrome v62-64
ChromeDriver v 2.34(2017-12-10)
Supports Chrome v61-63
ChromeDriver v 2.33(2017-10-03)
Supports Chrome v60-62
ChromeDriver v 2.32(2017-08-30)
Supports Chrome v59-61
ChromeDriver v 2.31(2017-07-21)
Supports Chrome v58-60
ChromeDriver v 2.30(2017-06-07)
Supports Chrome v58-60
ChromeDriver v 2.29(2017-04-04)
Supports Chrome v56-58
为了使您的脚本/程序与更新的Chrome 浏览器保持交互,您必须根据兼容性使ChromeDriver二进制文件的版本与Chrome 浏览器保持同步。
解决方案 2:
chromedriver-autoinstaller 自动下载并安装支持当前安装的 chrome 版本的 chromedriver。此安装程序支持 Linux、MacOS 和 Windows 操作系统。
pip install chromedriver-autoinstaller
from selenium import webdriver
import chromedriver_autoinstaller
chromedriver_autoinstaller.install() # Check if the current version of chromedriver exists
# and if it doesn't exist, download it automatically,
# then add chromedriver to path
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
assert "Python" in driver.title
编辑。我也使用 @ATJ 评论的选项,但用于定义 chrome 的 binary_location() 而不是 CHROMEDRIVER_PATH。实际上,我喜欢这个扩展的一件事是不需要指定这个路径,因为它已经处理好了。在使用它之前,我曾经浪费时间放置路径,搜索它的位置,将驱动程序的副本放在项目文件夹或系统路径文件夹中。
我还用这个快速代码制作了一个模板来使用 selenium,我用它打开新文件然后继续:
import chromedriver_autoinstaller
from selenium import webdriver
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
options.binary_location = ('C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe')
driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)
import os
os.system("pip install selenium ")
os.system("pip install chromedriver_autoinstaller ")
import chromedriver_autoinstaller
from selenium import webdriver
#from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
# import os
# # to use when 1st time on the machine and then leave comented
# os.system("pip install selenium ")
# os.system("pip install chromedriver_autoinstaller ")
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
options.headless = False
options.binary_location = ('C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe')
driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)
编辑。2-带有二进制位置的我的模板的实际完整版本。好吧。我刚刚用二进制位置测试了代码,它也能正常工作。好吧,不知道为什么它以前不起作用,这个位置是默认的,因此除非在安装 chrome 时更改了位置,否则不应更改。现在重新审视它是件好事,我刚刚为将来的所有用途保存了一行。
import chromedriver_autoinstaller
from selenium import webdriver
#from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
# import os
# # to use when 1st time on the machine and then leave comented
# os.system("pip install selenium ")
# os.system("pip install chromedriver_autoinstaller ")
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
options.headless = False
driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)
解决方案 3:
对于 Ubuntu/Linux:
只需使用它来更新到最新版本:https ://stackoverflow.com/a/57306360/4240654
version=$(curl -s https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/LATEST_RELEASE)
wget -qP "/tmp/" "https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/${version}/chromedriver_linux64.zip"
sudo unzip -o /tmp/chromedriver_linux64.zip -d /usr/bin
如果您需要更新 Chrome,请访问:https: //superuser.com/questions/130260/how-to-update-google-chrome-in-ubuntu
sudo apt-get --only-upgrade install google-chrome-stable
解决方案 4:
您可以使用下面的 shell 脚本来确保下载正确版本的 chrome 驱动程序。您可以在 python 中执行类似操作以使其工作,但您会了解如何继续解决此问题。
#downloading compatible chrome driver version
#getting the current chrome browser version
**chromeVersion=$(google-chrome --product-version)**
#getting the major version value from the full version
# setting the base url for getting the release url for the chrome driver
#creating the latest release driver url based on the major version of the chrome
**echo $latestDriverReleaseURL**
#file name of the file that gets downloaded which would contain the full version of the chrome driver to download
#downloading the file that would contain the full release version compatible with the major release of the chrome browser version
**wget $latestDriverReleaseURL**
#reading the file to get the version of the chrome driver that we should download
**latestFullDriverVersion=$(cat $latestDriverVersionFileName)**
**echo $latestFullDriverVersion**
#creating the final URL by passing the compatible version of the chrome driver that we should download
**echo $finalURL**
**wget $finalURL**
在 databricks 环境上运行计划作业时,我能够使用上述方法获取兼容版本的 chrome 浏览器和 chrome 驱动程序,并且它运行良好,没有任何问题。
解决方案 5:
问题:“当 Chrome 浏览器通过 Python selenium 自动更新时,如何使用特定版本的 ChromeDriver”
正如您正确指出的那样,Chrome 浏览器会自动更新。如果 ChromeDriver 是您计算机上针对某个特定版本的 Chrome 浏览器的静态文件,则意味着每次浏览器更新时您都必须下载新的 ChromeDriver。
幸运的是,还有一种方法可以自动更新 ChromeDriver!
您可以使用 webdrive-manager 自动使用正确的 chromedriver。
安装 webdrive-manager:
pip install webdriver-manager
然后在 python 中使用该驱动程序,如下所示
from selenium import webdriver
from webdriver_manager.chrome import ChromeDriverManager
driver = webdriver.Chrome(ChromeDriverManager().install())
解决方案 6:
pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall chromedriver-binary-auto
解决方案 7:
这是我构建的(还使用了另一个 stackoverflow 线程中的一些预先编写的代码),它可以为你工作。我每次都将脚本设置为从全局驱动程序脚本运行,以确保它使用正确的 ChromeDriver.exe 文件。
但是,您需要先确保在遇到此问题之前安装了新驱动程序,这些脚本将自动下载最新版本/查找最新版本的 ChromeDriver 并将其下载到新的文件夹位置。只有在您的 Chrome 版本更新后,它才会使用新的文件夹位置。如果 chrome 浏览器版本更新并且 chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com 上没有可用版本,则脚本应该会正常失败。
– 获取文件属性.py –
# as per https://stackoverflow.com/questions/580924/python-windows-file-version-attribute
import win32api
def getFileProperties(fname):
Read all properties of the given file return them as a dictionary.
propNames = ('Comments', 'InternalName', 'ProductName',
'CompanyName', 'LegalCopyright', 'ProductVersion',
'FileDescription', 'LegalTrademarks', 'PrivateBuild',
'FileVersion', 'OriginalFilename', 'SpecialBuild')
props = {'FixedFileInfo': None, 'StringFileInfo': None, 'FileVersion': None}
# backslash as parm returns dictionary of numeric info corresponding to VS_FIXEDFILEINFO struc
fixedInfo = win32api.GetFileVersionInfo(fname, '\\')
props['FixedFileInfo'] = fixedInfo
props['FileVersion'] = "%d.%d.%d.%d" % (fixedInfo['FileVersionMS'] / 65536,
fixedInfo['FileVersionMS'] % 65536, fixedInfo['FileVersionLS'] / 65536,
fixedInfo['FileVersionLS'] % 65536)
# VarFileInfoTranslation returns list of available (language, codepage)
# pairs that can be used to retreive string info. We are using only the first pair.
lang, codepage = win32api.GetFileVersionInfo(fname, '\\VarFileInfo\\Translation')[0]
# any other must be of the form StringfileInfo%04X%04Xparm_name, middle
# two are language/codepage pair returned from above
strInfo = {}
for propName in propNames:
strInfoPath = u'\\StringFileInfo\\%04X%04X\\%s' % (lang, codepage, propName)
## print str_info
strInfo[propName] = win32api.GetFileVersionInfo(fname, strInfoPath)
props['StringFileInfo'] = strInfo
return props
from getFileProperties import *
chrome_browser = #'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe' -- ENTER YOUR Chrome.exe filepath
cb_dictionary = getFileProperties(chrome_browser) # returns whole string of version (ie. 76.0.111)
chrome_browser_version = cb_dictionary['FileVersion'][:2] # substring version to capabable version (ie. 77 / 76)
nextVersion = str(int(chrome_browser_version) +1) # grabs the next version of the chrome browser
lastVersion = str(int(chrome_browser_version) -1) # grabs the last version of the chrome browser
-- ChromeDriverAutomation.py --
from ChromeVersion import chrome_browser_version, nextVersion, lastVersion
driverName = "\\chromedriver.exe"
# defining base file directory of chrome drivers
driver_loc = #"C:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python37-32\\ChromeDriver\\\" -- ENTER the file path of your exe
# -- I created a separate folder to house the versions of chromedriver, previous versions will be deleted after downloading the newest version.
# ie. version 75 will be deleted after 77 has been downloaded.
# defining the file path of your exe file automatically updating based on your browsers current version of chrome.
currentPath = driver_loc + chrome_browser_version + driverName
# check file directories to see if chrome drivers exist in nextVersion
import os.path
# check if new version of drive exists --> only continue if it doesn't
Newpath = driver_loc + nextVersion
# check if we have already downloaded the newest version of the browser, ie if we have version 76, and have already downloaded a version of 77, we don't need to run any more of the script.
newfileloc = Newpath + driverName
exists = os.path.exists(newfileloc)
if (exists == False):
#open chrome driver and attempt to download new chrome driver exe file.
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options
import time
chrome_options = Options()
executable_path = currentPath
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=executable_path, options=chrome_options)
# opening up url of chromedriver to get new version of chromedriver.
chromeDriverURL = 'https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/index.html?path=' + nextVersion
# find records of table rows
table = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector('tr')
# check the length of the table
Table_len = len(table)
# ensure that table length is greater than 4, else fail. -- table length of 4 is default when there are no availble updates
if (Table_len > 4 ):
# define string value of link
rowText = table[(len(table)-2)].text[:6]
# select the value of the row
driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[contains(text(),' + '"' + str(rowText) + '"'+')]').click()
#select chromedriver zip for windows
driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[contains(text(),' + '"' + "win32" + '"'+')]').click()
from zipfile import ZipFile
import shutil
fileName = #r"C:UsersAdministratorDownloadschromedriver_win32.zip" --> enter your download path here.
# Create a ZipFile Object and load sample.zip in it
with ZipFile(fileName, 'r') as zipObj:
# Extract all the contents of zip file in different directory
# delete downloaded file
# defining old chrome driver location
oldPath = driver_loc + lastVersion
oldpathexists = os.path.exists(oldPath)
# this deletes the old folder with the older version of chromedriver in it (version 75, once 77 has been downloaded)
if(oldpathexists == True):
shutil.rmtree(oldPath, ignore_errors=True)
解决方案 8:
也许这会对你有所帮助。我设法使用 ChromeDriver 版本 96.0.4664.45 在 JUPYTER 中编辑,我之前使用过 Pycharm,但它没有响应。
解决方案 9:
这是我的解决方案。我会从https://googlechromelabs.github.io/chrome-for-testing/下载特定的 Chrome(或任何我想使用的浏览器),并将其放在测试可访问的目录中。创建 webdriver 实例时,我会将 ChromeDriver 的“BinaryLocation”属性设置为浏览器的路径。这是我的示例 C#
string path = "drivers"; // webdrivers are in a subdirectory
var options = new ChromeOptions
BinaryLocation = @"SOMEPATHchrome-win64chrome.exe",
driver = new ChromeDriver(path, options);
这样我就可以使用与 webdrivers 和浏览器完全相同的版本。我确信同样的方法也适用于其他语言。