- 2025-02-20 09:23:00
- admin 原创
- 32
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 7, 7, 9, 10]
顺序并不重要,因此[1, 9]
和[9, 1]
与 一样有效[1, 2, 7]
在这个例子中,[[1,2,7], [1,2,7], [1,9], [3,7], [3,7], [10]]
解决方案 1:
您可以使用 itertools 迭代遍历所有可能大小的组合,并过滤掉总和不等于 10 的所有内容:
import itertools
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 7, 7, 9, 10]
target = 10
result = [seq for i in range(len(numbers), 0, -1)
for seq in itertools.combinations(numbers, i)
if sum(seq) == target]
[(1, 2, 7), (1, 2, 7), (1, 9), (3, 7), (3, 7), (10,)]
不幸的是,这类似于 O(2^N) 复杂度,因此它不适合大于 20 个元素的输入列表。
解决方案 2:
这个问题之前已经问过,请参阅@msalvadores 的回答。我更新了给出的 python 代码以在 python 3 中运行:
def subset_sum(numbers, target, partial=[]):
s = sum(partial)
# check if the partial sum is equals to target
if s == target:
print("sum(%s)=%s" % (partial, target))
if s >= target:
return # if we reach the number why bother to continue
for i in range(len(numbers)):
n = numbers[i]
remaining = numbers[i + 1:]
subset_sum(remaining, target, partial + [n])
if __name__ == "__main__":
subset_sum([3, 3, 9, 8, 4, 5, 7, 10], 15)
# Outputs:
# sum([3, 8, 4])=15
# sum([3, 5, 7])=15
# sum([8, 7])=15
# sum([5, 10])=15
解决方案 3:
@kgoodrick 提供的解决方案很棒,但我认为它作为生成器更有用:
def subset_sum(numbers, target, partial=[], partial_sum=0):
if partial_sum == target:
yield partial
if partial_sum >= target:
for i, n in enumerate(numbers):
remaining = numbers[i + 1:]
yield from subset_sum(remaining, target, partial + [n], partial_sum + n)
print(list(subset_sum([1, 2, 3, 7, 7, 9, 10], 10)))
# [[1, 2, 7], [1, 2, 7], [1, 9], [3, 7], [3, 7], [10]]
解决方案 4:
查找一系列数字 [lst] 的所有组合,其中每个 lst 包含 N 个元素,并且总和为 K:使用以下命令:
# Python3 program to find all pairs in a list of integers with given sum
from itertools import combinations
def findPairs(lst, K, N):
return [pair for pair in combinations(lst, N) if sum(pair) == K]
#monthly cost range; unique numbers
lst = list(range(10, 30))
#sum of annual revenue per machine/customer
K = 200
#number of months (12 - 9 = num months free)
N = 9
print('Possible monthly subscription costs that still equate to $200 per year:')
#print(findPairs(lst, K, N))
Possible monthly subscription costs that still equate to $200 per year:
[(10, 11, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29),
(10, 11, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29),
(10, 11, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29),
这背后的想法/问题是“如果我们免费提供 x 个月并且仍然达到收入目标,我们每月可以收取多少费用”。
解决方案 5:
from itertools import combinations
def SumTheList(thelist, target):
arr = []
p = []
if len(thelist) > 0:
for r in range(0,len(thelist)+1):
arr += list(combinations(thelist, r))
for item in arr:
if sum(item) == target:
return p
解决方案 6:
import random as rd
def combine(soma, menor, maior):
"""All combinations of 'n' sticks and '3' plus sinals.
seq = [menor, menor+1, ..., maior]
menor = min(seq); maior = max(seq)"""
lista = []
while len(set(lista)) < 286: # This number is defined by the combination
# of (sum + #summands - 1, #summands - 1) -> choose(13, 3)
zero = rd.randint(menor, maior)
if zero == soma and (zero, 0, 0, 0) not in lista:
lista.append((zero, 0, 0, 0))
# You can add more summands!
um = rd.randint(0, soma - zero)
dois = rd.randint(0, soma - zero - um)
tres = rd.randint(0, soma - zero - um - dois)
if (zero + um + dois + tres == soma and
(zero, um, dois, tres) not in lista):
lista.append((zero, um, dois, tres))
return sorted(lista)
>>> result_sum = 10
>>> combine(result_sum, 0, 10)
[(0,0,0,10), (0,0,1,9), (0,0,2,8), (0,0,3,7), ...,
(9,1,0,0), (10,0,0,0)]
解决方案 7:
Martin Valgur的答案允许在目标子项已超出时提前退出。这假设输入没有负数。
def subset_sum(numbers, target):
partial = [] # Commonly shared in recursive search tree
# Preprocessing to allow early exit, also when there are negative values in the input
acc = 0
least = [acc := acc + min(val, 0) for val in reversed(numbers)][::-1]
acc = 0
most = [acc := acc + max(val, 0) for val in reversed(numbers)][::-1]
n = len(numbers)
def recur(i, target):
if i >= n or not (least[i] <= target <= most[i]):
if target == 0:
# Provide a new list, so that if consumer mutates it, it does not affect us
yield partial[:]
return # No hope of reaching zero anymore
yield from recur(i + 1, target) # Combis without numbers[i]
partial.append(numbers[i]) # Mutate
yield from recur(i + 1, target - numbers[i])
partial.pop() # Backtrack
return recur(0, target)
# Example extended with values -6 and -10.
print(list(subset_sum([1, 2, 3, 7, 7, 9, -6, -10], 10)))
对于扩展示例(包括值 -6 和 -10),这将输出以下列表:
[7, 9, -6],
[7, 9, -6],
[3, 7],
[3, 7],
[3, 7, 7, 9, -6, -10],
[2, 7, 7, -6],
[1, 9],
[1, 3, 7, 9, -10],
[1, 3, 7, 9, -10],
[1, 2, 7],
[1, 2, 7],
[1, 2, 7, 7, 9, -6, -10],
[1, 2, 3, 7, 7, -10]
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