将 timedelta 格式化为字符串
- 2024-11-27 10:43:00
- admin 原创
- 185
以下是我想做的事情:我有一个对象列表,对象类的成员之一是 timedelta 对象,它显示事件的持续时间。我想以小时:分钟的格式显示该持续时间。
我尝试了多种方法来做到这一点,但都遇到了困难。我目前的方法是向我的对象类添加返回小时和分钟的方法。我可以通过将 timedelta.seconds 除以 3600 并四舍五入来得到小时数。我在获取余数秒并将其转换为分钟时遇到了麻烦。
顺便说一句,我正在使用带有 Django 模板的 Google AppEngine 进行演示。
解决方案 1:
您可以使用 将 timedelta 转换为字符串str()
import datetime
start = datetime.datetime(2009,2,10,14,00)
end = datetime.datetime(2009,2,10,16,00)
delta = end - start
# prints 2:00:00
解决方案 2:
如您所知,您可以通过访问属性从 timedelta 对象中获取 total_seconds .seconds
Python 提供了内置函数divmod()
s = 13420
hours, remainder = divmod(s, 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
print('{:02}:{:02}:{:02}'.format(int(hours), int(minutes), int(seconds)))
# result: 03:43:40
# arbitrary number of seconds
s = 13420
# hours
hours = s // 3600
# remaining seconds
s = s - (hours * 3600)
# minutes
minutes = s // 60
# remaining seconds
seconds = s - (minutes * 60)
# total time
print('{:02}:{:02}:{:02}'.format(int(hours), int(minutes), int(seconds)))
# result: 03:43:40
解决方案 3:
>>> str(datetime.timedelta(hours=10.56))
>>> td = datetime.timedelta(hours=10.505) # any timedelta object
>>> ':'.join(str(td).split(':')[:2])
函数会调用与我们简单输入时相同的格式代码print td
。由于您不需要秒数,我们可以用冒号(3 个部分)拆分字符串,然后仅使用前 2 个部分将其重新组合在一起。
解决方案 4:
>>> import datetime
>>> humanize.naturalday(datetime.datetime.now())
>>> humanize.naturalday(datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=1))
>>> humanize.naturalday(datetime.date(2007, 6, 5))
'Jun 05'
>>> humanize.naturaldate(datetime.date(2007, 6, 5))
'Jun 05 2007'
>>> humanize.naturaltime(datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=1))
'a second ago'
>>> humanize.naturaltime(datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600))
'an hour ago'
当然,它并没有给你你正在寻找的确切答案(事实上,str(timeA - timeB)
显然,它受到了 Djangocontrib.humanize
模块的启发,所以既然您正在使用 Django,那么您应该使用它。
解决方案 5:
def td_format(td_object):
seconds = int(td_object.total_seconds())
periods = [
('year', 60*60*24*365),
('month', 60*60*24*30),
('day', 60*60*24),
('hour', 60*60),
('minute', 60),
('second', 1)
for period_name, period_seconds in periods:
if seconds > period_seconds:
period_value , seconds = divmod(seconds, period_seconds)
has_s = 's' if period_value > 1 else ''
strings.append("%s %s%s" % (period_value, period_name, has_s))
return ", ".join(strings)
解决方案 6:
from string import Formatter
from datetime import timedelta
def strfdelta(tdelta, fmt='{D:02}d {H:02}h {M:02}m {S:02}s', inputtype='timedelta'):
"""Convert a datetime.timedelta object or a regular number to a custom-
formatted string, just like the stftime() method does for datetime.datetime
The fmt argument allows custom formatting to be specified. Fields can
include seconds, minutes, hours, days, and weeks. Each field is optional.
Some examples:
'{D:02}d {H:02}h {M:02}m {S:02}s' --> '05d 08h 04m 02s' (default)
'{W}w {D}d {H}:{M:02}:{S:02}' --> '4w 5d 8:04:02'
'{D:2}d {H:2}:{M:02}:{S:02}' --> ' 5d 8:04:02'
'{H}h {S}s' --> '72h 800s'
The inputtype argument allows tdelta to be a regular number instead of the
default, which is a datetime.timedelta object. Valid inputtype strings:
's', 'seconds',
'm', 'minutes',
'h', 'hours',
'd', 'days',
'w', 'weeks'
# Convert tdelta to integer seconds.
if inputtype == 'timedelta':
remainder = int(tdelta.total_seconds())
elif inputtype in ['s', 'seconds']:
remainder = int(tdelta)
elif inputtype in ['m', 'minutes']:
remainder = int(tdelta)*60
elif inputtype in ['h', 'hours']:
remainder = int(tdelta)*3600
elif inputtype in ['d', 'days']:
remainder = int(tdelta)*86400
elif inputtype in ['w', 'weeks']:
remainder = int(tdelta)*604800
f = Formatter()
desired_fields = [field_tuple[1] for field_tuple in f.parse(fmt)]
possible_fields = ('W', 'D', 'H', 'M', 'S')
constants = {'W': 604800, 'D': 86400, 'H': 3600, 'M': 60, 'S': 1}
values = {}
for field in possible_fields:
if field in desired_fields and field in constants:
values[field], remainder = divmod(remainder, constants[field])
return f.format(fmt, **values)
>>> td = timedelta(days=2, hours=3, minutes=5, seconds=8, microseconds=340)
>>> print strfdelta(td)
02d 03h 05m 08s
>>> print strfdelta(td, '{D}d {H}:{M:02}:{S:02}')
2d 3:05:08
>>> print strfdelta(td, '{D:2}d {H:2}:{M:02}:{S:02}')
2d 3:05:08
>>> print strfdelta(td, '{H}h {S}s')
51h 308s
>>> print strfdelta(12304, inputtype='s')
00d 03h 25m 04s
>>> print strfdelta(620, '{H}:{M:02}', 'm')
>>> print strfdelta(49, '{D}d {H}h', 'h')
2d 1h
解决方案 7:
他已经有一个 timedelta 对象,那么为什么不使用其内置方法 total_seconds() 将其转换为秒,然后使用 divmod() 来获取小时和分钟?
hours, remainder = divmod(myTimeDelta.total_seconds(), 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
# Formatted only for hours and minutes as requested
print '%s:%s' % (hours, minutes)
解决方案 8:
duration = datetime.utcfromtimestamp((end - begin).total_seconds())
只要您保持在时间部分的合法范围内,这应该可以工作,即它不会返回 1234:35,因为小时数 <= 23。
解决方案 9:
td = str(timedelta).split('.')[0]
如果您想重新生成 datetime.timedelta 对象,只需执行以下操作:
h,m,s = re.split(':', td)
new_delta = datetime.timedelta(hours=int(h),minutes=int(m),seconds=int(s))
解决方案 10:
python 库来做到这一点,效果非常好。
import humanfriendly
from datetime import timedelta
delta = timedelta(seconds = 321)
'5 minutes and 21 seconds'
解决方案 11:
>>> import datetime
>>> dt0 = datetime.datetime(1,1,1)
>>> td = datetime.timedelta(minutes=34, hours=12, seconds=56)
>>> (dt0+td).strftime('%X')
>>> (dt0+td).strftime('%M:%S')
>>> (dt0+td).strftime('%H:%M')
解决方案 12:
def period(delta, pattern):
d = {'d': delta.days}
d['h'], rem = divmod(delta.seconds, 3600)
d['m'], d['s'] = divmod(rem, 60)
return pattern.format(**d)
>>> td = timedelta(seconds=123456789)
>>> period(td, "{d} days {h}:{m}:{s}")
'1428 days 21:33:9'
>>> period(td, "{h} hours, {m} minutes and {s} seconds, {d} days")
'21 hours, 33 minutes and 9 seconds, 1428 days'
解决方案 13:
像 joe 那样使用,但是如果你有天,它就不会包含在秒值中。
span = currentdt - previousdt
print '%d,%d
' % (span.days,span.seconds/3600)
解决方案 14:
>>> import datetime
>>> datetime.timedelta(seconds=41000)
datetime.timedelta(0, 41000)
>>> str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=41000))
>>> str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=4102.33))
>>> str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=413302.33))
'4 days, 18:48:22.330000'
因此,实际上有两种格式,一种格式中天数为 0 且省略,另一种格式中出现文本“n 天,h:m:s”。但是,秒数可能有小数,并且打印输出中没有前导零,因此列会很混乱。
def printNiceTimeDelta(stime, etime):
delay = datetime.timedelta(seconds=(etime - stime))
if (delay.days > 0):
out = str(delay).replace(" days, ", ":")
out = "0:" + str(delay)
outAr = out.split(':')
outAr = ["%02d" % (int(float(x))) for x in outAr]
out = ":".join(outAr)
return out
这将返回以 dd:hh:mm:ss 格式的输出:
我确实考虑过增加年份,但这留给读者练习,因为输出超过 1 年也是安全的:
>>> str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=99999999))
'1157 days, 9:46:39'
解决方案 15:
按照上面 Joe 的示例值,我将使用模数算术运算符,如下:
td = datetime.timedelta(hours=10.56)
td_str = "%d:%d" % (td.seconds/3600, td.seconds%3600/60)
请注意,Python 中的整数除法默认向下舍入;如果您想要更明确,请根据需要使用 math.floor() 或 math.ceil()。
解决方案 16:
一行代码。由于 timedeltas 不提供 datetime 的 strftime,因此将 timedelta 恢复为 datetime,并使用 stftime。
这不仅可以实现 OP 要求的“小时:分钟”格式,如果您的要求更改为另一种表示形式,现在您还可以利用 datetime 的 strftime 的全部格式化功能。
import datetime
td = datetime.timedelta(hours=2, minutes=10, seconds=5)
print(datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.strptime(str(td), "%H:%M:%S"), "%H:%M"))
这也解决了时间增量被格式化为 H:MM:SS 而不是 HH:MM:SS 的字符串的烦恼,这导致了我遇到这个问题,以及我分享的解决方案。
解决方案 17:
import datetime
hours = datetime.timedelta(hours=16, minutes=30)
print((datetime.datetime(1,1,1) + hours).strftime('%H:%M'))
解决方案 18:
def seconds_to_time_left_string(total_seconds):
s = int(total_seconds)
years = s // 31104000
if years > 1:
return '%d years' % years
s = s - (years * 31104000)
months = s // 2592000
if years == 1:
r = 'one year'
if months > 0:
r += ' and %d months' % months
return r
if months > 1:
return '%d months' % months
s = s - (months * 2592000)
days = s // 86400
if months == 1:
r = 'one month'
if days > 0:
r += ' and %d days' % days
return r
if days > 1:
return '%d days' % days
s = s - (days * 86400)
hours = s // 3600
if days == 1:
r = 'one day'
if hours > 0:
r += ' and %d hours' % hours
return r
s = s - (hours * 3600)
minutes = s // 60
seconds = s - (minutes * 60)
if hours >= 6:
return '%d hours' % hours
if hours >= 1:
r = '%d hours' % hours
if hours == 1:
r = 'one hour'
if minutes > 0:
r += ' and %d minutes' % minutes
return r
if minutes == 1:
r = 'one minute'
if seconds > 0:
r += ' and %d seconds' % seconds
return r
if minutes == 0:
return '%d seconds' % seconds
if seconds == 0:
return '%d minutes' % minutes
return '%d minutes and %d seconds' % (minutes, seconds)
for i in range(10):
print pow(8, i), seconds_to_time_left_string(pow(8, i))
1 1 seconds
8 8 seconds
64 one minute and 4 seconds
512 8 minutes and 32 seconds
4096 one hour and 8 minutes
32768 9 hours
262144 3 days
2097152 24 days
16777216 6 months
134217728 4 years
解决方案 19:
我在工作中遇到过类似的加班计算输出问题。即使时间大于一天,值也可能为负数,该值也应始终以 HH:MM 格式显示。我结合了一些显示的解决方案,也许其他人会觉得这个解决方案有用。我意识到,如果 timedelta 值为负数,则大多数显示的解决方案(使用 divmod 方法)都无法立即使用:
def td2HHMMstr(td):
'''Convert timedelta objects to a HH:MM string with (+/-) sign'''
if td < datetime.timedelta(seconds=0):
td = -td
sign = ''
tdhours, rem = divmod(td.total_seconds(), 3600)
tdminutes, rem = divmod(rem, 60)
tdstr = '{}{:}:{:02d}'.format(sign, int(tdhours), int(tdminutes))
return tdstr
timedelta 到 HH:MM 字符串:
td2HHMMstr(datetime.timedelta(hours=1, minutes=45))
td2HHMMstr(datetime.timedelta(days=2, hours=3, minutes=2))
td2HHMMstr(datetime.timedelta(hours=-3, minutes=-2))
td2HHMMstr(datetime.timedelta(days=-35, hours=-3, minutes=-2))
解决方案 20:
from django.utils.translation import ngettext
def localize_timedelta(delta):
ret = []
num_years = int(delta.days / 365)
if num_years > 0:
delta -= timedelta(days=num_years * 365)
ret.append(ngettext('%d year', '%d years', num_years) % num_years)
if delta.days > 0:
ret.append(ngettext('%d day', '%d days', delta.days) % delta.days)
num_hours = int(delta.seconds / 3600)
if num_hours > 0:
delta -= timedelta(hours=num_hours)
ret.append(ngettext('%d hour', '%d hours', num_hours) % num_hours)
num_minutes = int(delta.seconds / 60)
if num_minutes > 0:
ret.append(ngettext('%d minute', '%d minutes', num_minutes) % num_minutes)
return ' '.join(ret)
>>> from datetime import timedelta
>>> localize_timedelta(timedelta(days=3660, minutes=500))
'10 years 10 days 8 hours 20 minutes'
解决方案 21:
针对此问题的直接模板过滤器。内置函数 int() 永远不会向上舍入。F 字符串(即 f'')需要 python 3.6。
def diffTime(end, start):
diff = (end - start).total_seconds()
d = int(diff / 86400)
h = int((diff - (d * 86400)) / 3600)
m = int((diff - (d * 86400 + h * 3600)) / 60)
s = int((diff - (d * 86400 + h * 3600 + m *60)))
if d > 0:
fdiff = f'{d}d {h}h {m}m {s}s'
elif h > 0:
fdiff = f'{h}h {m}m {s}s'
elif m > 0:
fdiff = f'{m}m {s}s'
fdiff = f'{s}s'
return fdiff
解决方案 22:
我继续MarredCheese 的回答,并添加了year
除 之外的所有数字均格式化为整数,因此可以自定义second
@kfmfe04 要求几分之一秒,所以我发布了这个解决方案
from string import Formatter
from datetime import timedelta
def strfdelta(tdelta, fmt='{D:02}d {H:02}h {M:02}m {S:02.0f}s', inputtype='timedelta'):
"""Convert a datetime.timedelta object or a regular number to a custom-
formatted string, just like the stftime() method does for datetime.datetime
The fmt argument allows custom formatting to be specified. Fields can
include seconds, minutes, hours, days, and weeks. Each field is optional.
Some examples:
'{D:02}d {H:02}h {M:02}m {S:02.0f}s' --> '05d 08h 04m 02s' (default)
'{W}w {D}d {H}:{M:02}:{S:02.0f}' --> '4w 5d 8:04:02'
'{D:2}d {H:2}:{M:02}:{S:02.0f}' --> ' 5d 8:04:02'
'{H}h {S:.0f}s' --> '72h 800s'
The inputtype argument allows tdelta to be a regular number instead of the
default, which is a datetime.timedelta object. Valid inputtype strings:
's', 'seconds',
'm', 'minutes',
'h', 'hours',
'd', 'days',
'w', 'weeks'
# Convert tdelta to integer seconds.
if inputtype == 'timedelta':
remainder = tdelta.total_seconds()
elif inputtype in ['s', 'seconds']:
remainder = float(tdelta)
elif inputtype in ['m', 'minutes']:
remainder = float(tdelta)*60
elif inputtype in ['h', 'hours']:
remainder = float(tdelta)*3600
elif inputtype in ['d', 'days']:
remainder = float(tdelta)*86400
elif inputtype in ['w', 'weeks']:
remainder = float(tdelta)*604800
f = Formatter()
desired_fields = [field_tuple[1] for field_tuple in f.parse(fmt)]
possible_fields = ('Y','m','W', 'D', 'H', 'M', 'S', 'mS', 'µS')
constants = {'Y':86400*365.24,'m': 86400*30.44 ,'W': 604800, 'D': 86400, 'H': 3600, 'M': 60, 'S': 1, 'mS': 1/pow(10,3) , 'µS':1/pow(10,6)}
values = {}
for field in possible_fields:
if field in desired_fields and field in constants:
Quotient, remainder = divmod(remainder, constants[field])
values[field] = int(Quotient) if field != 'S' else Quotient + remainder
return f.format(fmt, **values)
if __name__ == "__main__":
td = timedelta(days=717, hours=3, minutes=5, seconds=8, microseconds=3549)
print(strfdelta(td,'{Y} years {m} months {W} weeks {D} days {H:02}:{M:02}:{S:02}'))
print(strfdelta(td,'{m} months {W} weeks {D} days {H:02}:{M:02}:{S:02.4f}'))
td = timedelta( seconds=8, microseconds=8549)
print(strfdelta(td,'{S} seconds {mS} milliseconds {µS} microseconds'))
print(strfdelta(td,'{S:.0f} seconds {mS} milliseconds {µS} microseconds'))
1 years 11 months 2 weeks 3 days 01:09:56.00354900211096
23 months 2 weeks 3 days 00:12:20.0035
8.008549 seconds 8 milliseconds 549 microseconds
8 seconds 8 milliseconds 549 microseconds
115d 17h 46m 40s
解决方案 23:
(您应该有),它有一个非常好的持续时间格式化程序 (以浮点秒为单位) (到目前为止)。它用于各种地方,例如单元格%%time
>>> from IPython.core.magics.execution import _format_time
>>> for v in range(-9, 10, 2):
... dt = 1.25 * 10**v
... print(_format_time(dt))
1.25 ns
125 ns
12.5 µs
1.25 ms
125 ms
12.5 s
20min 50s
1d 10h 43min 20s
144d 16h 13min 20s
14467d 14h 13min 20s
解决方案 24:
timedelta 转换为字符串,用于打印运行时间信息。
def strfdelta_round(tdelta, round_period='second'):
"""timedelta to string, use for measure running time
attend period from days downto smaller period, round to minimum period
omit zero value period
period_names = ('day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'millisecond')
if round_period not in period_names:
raise Exception(f'round_period "{round_period}" invalid, should be one of {",".join(period_names)}')
period_seconds = (86400, 3600, 60, 1, 1/pow(10,3))
period_desc = ('days', 'hours', 'mins', 'secs', 'msecs')
round_i = period_names.index(round_period)
s = ''
remainder = tdelta.total_seconds()
for i in range(len(period_names)):
q, remainder = divmod(remainder, period_seconds[i])
if int(q)>0:
if not len(s)==0:
s += ' '
s += f'{q:.0f} {period_desc[i]}'
if i==round_i:
if i==round_i+1:
s += f'{remainder} {period_desc[round_i]}'
return s
>>> td = timedelta(days=0, hours=2, minutes=5, seconds=8, microseconds=3549)
>>> strfdelta_round(td, 'second')
'2 hours 5 mins 8 secs'
>>> td = timedelta(days=2, hours=0, minutes=5, seconds=8, microseconds=3549)
>>> strfdelta_round(td, 'millisecond')
'2 days 5 mins 8 secs 3 msecs'
>>> td = timedelta(days=1, hours=2, minutes=5, seconds=8, microseconds=3549)
>>> strfdelta_round(td, 'minute')
'1 days 2 hours 5 mins'
解决方案 25:
这是一个将 timedelta.total_seconds() 字符串化的函数。它适用于 Python 2 和 3。
def strf_interval(seconds):
days, remainder = divmod(seconds, 86400)
hours, remainder = divmod(remainder, 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
return '{} {} {} {}'.format(
"" if int(days) == 0 else str(int(days)) + ' days',
"" if int(hours) == 0 else str(int(hours)) + ' hours',
"" if int(minutes) == 0 else str(int(minutes)) + ' mins',
"" if int(seconds) == 0 else str(int(seconds)) + ' secs'
>>> print(strf_interval(1))
1 secs
>>> print(strf_interval(100))
1 mins 40 secs
>>> print(strf_interval(1000))
16 mins 40 secs
>>> print(strf_interval(10000))
2 hours 46 mins 40 secs
>>> print(strf_interval(100000))
1 days 3 hours 46 mins 40 secs
解决方案 26:
我想这样做,所以写了一个简单的函数。它对我来说非常有用,而且用途广泛(支持从年到微秒以及任何粒度级别,例如,您可以在“2 天 4 小时 48 分钟”和“2 天 4 小时”和“2 天 4.8 小时”之间进行选择,等等。
def pretty_print_timedelta(t, max_components=None, max_decimal_places=2):
Print a pretty string for a timedelta.
For example datetime.timedelta(days=2, seconds=17280) will be printed as '2 days, 4 hours, 48 minutes'. Setting max_components to e.g. 1 will change this to '2.2 days', where the
number of decimal points can also be set.
time_scales = [timedelta(days=365), timedelta(days=1), timedelta(hours=1), timedelta(minutes=1), timedelta(seconds=1), timedelta(microseconds=1000), timedelta(microseconds=1)]
time_scale_names_dict = {timedelta(days=365): 'year',
timedelta(days=1): 'day',
timedelta(hours=1): 'hour',
timedelta(minutes=1): 'minute',
timedelta(seconds=1): 'second',
timedelta(microseconds=1000): 'millisecond',
timedelta(microseconds=1): 'microsecond'}
count = 0
txt = ''
first = True
for scale in time_scales:
if t >= scale:
count += 1
if count == max_components:
n = t / scale
n = int(t / scale)
t -= n*scale
n_txt = str(round(n, max_decimal_places))
if n_txt[-2:]=='.0': n_txt = n_txt[:-2]
txt += '{}{} {}{}'.format('' if first else ', ', n_txt, time_scale_names_dict[scale], 's' if n>1 else '', )
if first:
first = False
if len(txt) == 0:
txt = 'none'
return txt
解决方案 27:
请检查此功能 - 它将 timedelta 对象转换为字符串“HH:MM:SS”
def format_timedelta(td):
hours, remainder = divmod(td.total_seconds(), 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
hours, minutes, seconds = int(hours), int(minutes), int(seconds)
if hours < 10:
hours = '0%s' % int(hours)
if minutes < 10:
minutes = '0%s' % minutes
if seconds < 10:
seconds = '0%s' % seconds
return '%s:%s:%s' % (hours, minutes, seconds)
解决方案 28:
我遇到了同样的问题,并且正在使用 pandas Timedelta
def format_timedelta(td: pd.Timedelta) -> str:
if pd.isnull(td):
return str(td)
c = td.components._asdict()
return ", ".join(f"{n} {unit}" for unit, n in c.items() if n)
例如,pd.Timedelta(hours=3, seconds=12)
将打印为3 hours, 12 seconds
解决方案 29:
def td_format(td, pad=True):
_days, parsed = str(td).split(",")
except ValueError:
hours, minutes, seconds = str(td).split(":")
days = _days.split(" ")[0]
_hours, minutes, seconds = parsed.split(":")
hours = int(_hours) + int(days) * 24
if pad:
hours = hours.zfill(2)
return f"{hours}:{minutes}:{seconds}"
>>> from datetime import timedelta
>>> td_format(timedelta(minutes=600))
>>> td_format(timedelta(hours=25))
>>> td_format(timedelta(minutes=144))
>>> td_format(timedelta(hours=2), pad=False)
解决方案 30:
如果您已经有一个 timedelta obj,那么只需将该 obj 转换为字符串。删除字符串的最后 3 个字符并打印。这将截断秒部分并以“小时:分钟”格式打印其余部分。
t = str(timedeltaobj)
print t[:-3]